All-Ages Faith Formation is Important at Salford
Read below to learn more about the various faith formation spaces offered on Sundays and beyond for all ages.
Infants to Age 2
The Salford Nursery, located off the main foyer, is available during the worship service for children up to their third birthday. Each week the nursery is staffed with volunteers who have been cleared for working with children according to our Child Safety Policy. Parents are welcome to drop off children for part or all of the service, or stay in the nursery with their children. The worship service is audible in the nursery. Changing tables are available there, as well as rocking chairs and cribs.
During second hour the nursery remains available for all those too young to attend Sunday School.
During second hour the nursery remains available for all those too young to attend Sunday School.
Ages 2 to 5th Grade

Children's Classes
The children's Sunday School program at Salford is a lively, creative, and welcoming experience. Children begin the hour of time together with singing. There is a singing group for ages 2-5, and another for children in grades 1-5. Following music, the children head to their classrooms for Bible stories and related activities. Teachers and students are always happy to welcome newcomers or one-time visitors!
The children's Sunday School program at Salford is a lively, creative, and welcoming experience. Children begin the hour of time together with singing. There is a singing group for ages 2-5, and another for children in grades 1-5. Following music, the children head to their classrooms for Bible stories and related activities. Teachers and students are always happy to welcome newcomers or one-time visitors!
The Director of Children's Faith Formation leads a team of Sunday School teachers, helpers, and music leaders for music and lessons each Sunday, September through June. Using the Shine curriculum, children ages 2 to 5th grade learn the foundational stories of our faith and practice following Jesus by loving God and loving their neighbor. They start each Sunday School time with some energetic singing.
Children's Time, a part of the worship service especially for children, happens each week. Children's Ministry is also committed to centering parents in the faith formation of their children through providing resources and opportunities to support one another in the important task of parenting. It really does take a village to raise a child - and we are here for one another. |

Kids' Club exists to give our children a safe place to learn and grow while having fun. Kids' Club is open to children in 1st-5th grades. We invite our children, friends, and neighbors to join us. Each month caring leaders plan a devotional and an activity for kids to participate in and enjoy. We desire that each child feel loved by Jesus and cared for by adult leaders and has the opportunity to build friendships and character in the process of completing activities that are challenging and fun. Activities that children participate in at Kids' Club include stories, paper crafts, games, cooking, sewing and many other fun projects.
Kids' Club meets on the second Wednesday of each month at 6:30 p.m. in the gathering room at Salford, starting in October.
Kids' Club meets on the second Wednesday of each month at 6:30 p.m. in the gathering room at Salford, starting in October.
We also hold an annual week-long Peace Camp for school age children, and our Family Faith Formation page has much more information.
6th to 12th Grade

Salford's Junior Youth Group (6th-8th grade) gathers on Sunday mornings for fellowship and learning, as well as on a monthly basis for a variety of social and service events. Each winter they attend winter retreat at Spruce Lake Retreat. There are approximately 15 youth involved in the junior high ministry, led by a team of committed adult leaders.

Senior Youth Group or MYF (Mennonite Youth Fellowship, grades 9-12)
On Sunday mornings classes focus on Biblical understandings, sharing faith stories, and learning about Mennonite values and theology - with a frequent mix of current events, sharing and prayer, and games. Visitors are always welcome!
On Sunday mornings classes focus on Biblical understandings, sharing faith stories, and learning about Mennonite values and theology - with a frequent mix of current events, sharing and prayer, and games. Visitors are always welcome!

Beyond Sunday mornings, this group engages in many events and activities as well as an annual summer service trip or to attend the Mennonite Convention. There are approximately 15 youth involved in this group, led by a team of committed adult leaders.
Faith Formation Nights (2nd Wednesdays Oct,-May)
We will resume our Faith Formation Nights on October 11, 2023, from 5:30 to 8PM. Please RSVP to Pastor Andrew if you plan to attend the meal. We start with dinner followed by worship from 5:30-6:30pm. Then we break into age-specific groups from 6:30-8pm, including Kids Club, MYF, and adult discussion.
In October, our discussion for adults will be reflecting on countercultural, Jesus-centered values and how to support one another in living these out as families.
Other dates for this year: November 8, December 13, January 10, February 14, March 13, April 10, May 8
In October, our discussion for adults will be reflecting on countercultural, Jesus-centered values and how to support one another in living these out as families.
Other dates for this year: November 8, December 13, January 10, February 14, March 13, April 10, May 8
Adult Second Hour (Sunday School) Classes

Adult Classes meet on Sunday mornings during second hour, beginning around 10:45 a.m. September through June. Some are roughly organized by age group, others by topic or format. Each class is led by a small group of class members. You are welcome to try out any of them!
Ambassadors & Reaching Out - This class meets in a classroom above the main lobby and has stimulating discussion using the Adult Bible Study. This class is made up of persons, typically in the 70s+ who wish to study the Bible. Teaching responsibilities rotate among several class members. Sharing is an important part of the Sunday school hour.
Emmaus Road - Meeting in the library, this all-ages class typically discusses and responds to that Sunday's sermon.
Friendship Class - Meeting a classroom above the main lobby, this is a class of ladies aged 35-60, who share their journeys, support one another in prayer, and study resources that fill their spiritual needs.
Foundations - Meeting in a classroom above the main lobby, this class consists mostly of folks from about 30-45 but represents a wide age spectrum. Leadership is shared by class members, and curriculum varies according to interest.
Gospel Herald - This class of all ages meets in the north end of the gathering room upstairs above the main lobby. We read and discuss articles from Anabaptist World. Other issues of interest may also be discussed.
Hilltop - This class for uniquely gifted adults meets upstairs above the main lobby every second and fourth Sunday. Singing and rhythm instruments add a special dimension to the time together.
Ambassadors & Reaching Out - This class meets in a classroom above the main lobby and has stimulating discussion using the Adult Bible Study. This class is made up of persons, typically in the 70s+ who wish to study the Bible. Teaching responsibilities rotate among several class members. Sharing is an important part of the Sunday school hour.
Emmaus Road - Meeting in the library, this all-ages class typically discusses and responds to that Sunday's sermon.
Friendship Class - Meeting a classroom above the main lobby, this is a class of ladies aged 35-60, who share their journeys, support one another in prayer, and study resources that fill their spiritual needs.
Foundations - Meeting in a classroom above the main lobby, this class consists mostly of folks from about 30-45 but represents a wide age spectrum. Leadership is shared by class members, and curriculum varies according to interest.
Gospel Herald - This class of all ages meets in the north end of the gathering room upstairs above the main lobby. We read and discuss articles from Anabaptist World. Other issues of interest may also be discussed.
Hilltop - This class for uniquely gifted adults meets upstairs above the main lobby every second and fourth Sunday. Singing and rhythm instruments add a special dimension to the time together.